Third Review: Berfikir | Terfikir | Memikir
Hey everyone...
Phew! What an overwhelming responses we received from you!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
Next review that we have found is from the blog "Berfikir | Terfikir | Memikir"by Aidil who was our official photographer. *hey, we did not bribe him for the review*
He did wrote quite a long review but let me quote his words:
"overall, the even was totally succeed, dr kaca mata aku la…sbb aku ada kat event ni start smpi abes event…wlpn pon aku bkn part of the committee members for event ni, diorg layan aku baek je…"
See how nice we are. :)
"pape pon, it’s a good event! aku bg 5 bintang!hehehe…"
WOW! We're glad that you salute our event! You rock!
Anyway, you may read his review and photos in here and here.
Ciao peeps!